Safeguarding support for parents
Early Help
There has been considerable work on-going to coordinate the excellent early help work that is happening for children, young people and their families across West Berkshire. As part of this there is a recognition that schools play a major role in providing early help. To support this there have been a number of initiatives taking place to ensure that there are the tools, advice and professional guidance to empower families to resolve their issues.
Please find attached below:
Early Response Hub Leaflet
These documents provide an overview of the resources available when working with families and recognises that families often need more support but do not require a social worker. There is also the recognition that it is more effective to involve families, speaking to them about their difficulties and working together on their support plan.
Parent Information from SCARF
Please follow the link below to access the parent pages from SCARF, our new PSHE and RSE resource. There is a wealth inofrmation to support you at home.
For general e-safety information and advice:
- CEOP (
- ChildLine (
- Childnet (
- Internet Matters (
- Professionals Online Safety Helpline (
- Southwest Grid for Learning (
- StaySafe (
Useful tips and advice for keeping children safe when they are using apps.
Useful tips for keeping children safe on Roblox:
Has your child had a nude image or video of themselves posted on-line?
Get help to remove it: Report a Nude Image Online
For Berkshire West Safeguarding Partnership