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Kintbury St.Mary's CE Primary School

Creating Memories; Building Futures

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Wave 1 Universal Provision

Most children’s needs can be met by using these strategies.

Effective use of Wave 1 will prevent the need for intervention for most children

  • Inclusive whole school ethos based on trust and respect – our core Christian values are Friendship, Hope and Respect and our church school mission statement “Love thy Neighbour as thyself.” Luke 10:25-37
  • #KSM our school rules – KIND, SAFE, MANNERS
  • Positive behaviour management strategies used consistently across the school
  • A 30 second script which recognises feelings is used by staff when supporting children
  • All staff have received emotion coaching training, and attachment training
  • Open door approach for parents and children – parents and children know their views are valued and they are listened to
  • We teach a spiral PSHE curriculum which includes themes within mental health and well-being
  • We hold pupil voice conferences supported by our governing board and school council meet regularly to discuss findings
  • Building confidence through increased responsibility – house captains, reading champions, sports leaders, charity champions
  • We have a well-trained and approachable DSL team within our school
  • Worry monsters and boxes are available around our school
  • Regular opportunities for active play and exercise including The Daily Mile
  • Restorative conversations are used to help pupils resolve any disagreements
  • Class circle times are used to informally address any emerging issues
  • A wide range of play opportunities are supported at lunchtimes.
  • We offer a curriculum pledge of activities and experiences which all pupils can expect to be offered during their time at KSM
  • After-school clubs are open to all children. We provide financial support for PPG families and listen to children’s views on the clubs they enjoy
  • Curriculum enrichment opportunities and sporting events are open to all and subsidised to ensure all children have the opportunity to take part
  • We offer regular parent workshops with the support of the West Berkshire Schools’ MHST
  • Parents and carers are invited to our COOL (Celebration of our Learning) assembly every Friday, this includes weekly recognition of members of the school community who are observed showing #KSM around the school
  • Forest school/outdoor learning opportunities
  • Access to the school garden
  • Access to calming spaces in classrooms and around the school
  • Meet and greet for every family every day – head teacher at gate, classroom team at doorways

Wave 2 – School Interventions

Some children will need further support with their mental health/well-being despite effective support at Wave 1

  • Individualised therapeutic plan/pastoral interventions such as

- personalised timetable – now/next

-social skills groups/friendship groups

- differentiated teaching space

-reward charts

-Sensory tool box/calming boxes

- small nurture group activities to target mental health through physical activity– additional sports coaching, outdoor learning, gardening

-identified safe space/safe adult

-active teaching of self-regulation/breathing techniques

  • Nurture  lunch
  • Group activity with our ELSA such as Block Therapy, friendship group
  • 1: ELSA support
  • 1:1 sand play, big Empathy Drawing sessions

Wave 3 – Specialist support

A few children will need targeted, more specialised support from outside agencies

  • Highly targeted ELSA 1:1 work with individuals
  • Highly targeted play therapy support
  • Referral for intervention from the Emotional Health Academy support worker based in school
  • Referral for support from the Mental Health Support Team
  • Referral for help from West Berkshire EBSA team
  • Referral for support from Therapeutic Thinking team
  • Emotional Health Academy Triage – this can be done by school, family or GP
  • Referral to CAMHS
  • Referral to Early Help Team
  • Referral to bespoke local services such as Bounce Back 4 kids, SAFE project, Swings and Smiles