Medicines in School
We wish to ensure that pupils with medical conditions receive appropriate care and support at school in order to allow them to fully access the curriculum. The school has procedures for the administration of medication and staff receive the appropriate training when necessary for the more serious or complex conditions.
Records of medical condition
Upon admission to our school, parents and carers must inform the school of any existing medical condition. It is also parents’ and carers’ responsibility to ensure that they update the school with any new condition or changes in an existing condition throughout their child’s time in our school.
The information received is kept securely and shared on a need-to-know basis with members of our staff.
Serious or long-term medical conditions
When a serious condition is identified (e.g. severe allergy which may lead to anaphylactic shock, epilepsy, cerebral palsy), a meeting will be organised with the pupil’s parents or carers to discuss his/her medical needs and draw up an Individual Healthcare Plan. A school nurse may attend the meeting if appropriate to support the school in meeting the pupil’s needs.
The School Nurse Service is able to provide training to the staff for the administration of some medicines (e.g. Epipens) or assist the school in sourcing relevant training. Most members of the school staff are also trained to recognise and manage asthma.
Parents and carers will be required to supply the school with the necessary medicines which will be securely kept on site. Medicines stored in school will be administered by school staff when written instructions are given (Individual Healthcare Plan for serious conditions or Treatment Form for long-term conditions such as asthma). A written record will be made every time medicine is administered detailing the date, time, and quantity given.
It is the parents’ or carers’ responsibility to check regularly that medicines held in school are still within dates.
Short-term medical conditions
Occasionally, it may be necessary for medicines to be administered at school for sort-term medical conditions. Medicines will only be administered by school staff when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so. School staff will only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor, with the exception of painkillers in suitable doses.
If such medicines need to be administered within school hours, parents or carers will be asked to complete a Treatment Form.
All medicines, including inhalers, nose or ear drops, lip balms, creams, etc , must be handed in by parents or carers to the office staff and must not under any circumstances by left in a pupil’s school bag.
If your child has a medical need, please read the Medical Needs policy.