Expected attendance
We discourage families from taking their children out of school during term time as this has a documented negative impact on their progress and attainment. It is children attend school whenever they are well enough to do so.
The Department of Education has reviewed the minimum attendance threshold up to 90% and the school has a duty to monitor attendance and to act when attendance falls below the threshold. The school may seek support from the West Berkshire Council Education Welfare Officer.
Reporting an absence
In order for us to effectively safeguard all our pupils, it is important that we are informed as soon as possible if a pupil is going to be late or absent. Parents and carers must ring the school office before 9.30am. There is an answerphone and messages can be left at any time up to 9.30am. Please specify the name of the child and the reason for absence when leaving a message, as well as, if possible, an indication of when the child might be returning to school.
When a child is ill for several consecutive days, we ask that parents or carers call every day, unless the length of absence was agreed in on the first day.
When absence is due to sickness and diarrhoea, pupils must be kept at home for 48 hours from the last time they were sick or had diarrhoea to avoid spreading of viruses across the school.
Medical appointments
We ask that parents and carers book medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible. In particular, we would be grateful if parents could avoid making appointments and the beginning of the morning session or the beginning of the afternoon session when register is taken.
When medical appointments have to be made during school hours, please inform the class teacher and/or the office staff in advance if possible or with a telephone call on the day.
Leave of absence during term time
We recognise that there may be circumstances when absence during term time is unavoidable. When this is the case, parents and carers must request a Request for Leave of Absence form from the school office, and return it completed at least one month in advance in order to seek the Head Teacher’s permission.
The Head Teacher will examine the request in line with guidelines issues by the DfE and West Berkshire Council (these are clearly indicated on the Request for Leave of Absence form), and decide whether to authorise the absence or not. If you wish to discuss a forthcoming absence, please contact the office staff as soon as is practical.