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Kintbury St.Mary's CE Primary School

Creating Memories; Building Futures

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Our Vision


Our caring ethos is based on our Christian values of hope, friendship and respect. These, together with our rich and diverse curriculum underpin our belief that everyone in our school community can develop a sense of self and an understanding of their place in our world in order to achieve and flourish throughout life.


'Love thy neighbour as thyself'

Luke 10:25-37

In July 2019, led by the church, the children, staff, governors and parents undertook work on the parables, to create a vision for the school. They chose three strong Christian values of hope, friendship and respect alongside the parable of The Wise and Foolish Builders.


However, in March 2020, due to the disruption caused by the pandemic, the school’s vision developed further. We discovered that the community and school were united in supporting those in need, to maintain a good standard of education, wellbeing and care.

This prompted a reconfiguration of the school’s priorities and purpose. So, with the staff and children, within collective worship, Remote Learning and through discussion, we reviewed our vision. We wanted it to be rooted in theology and Christian narrative.


It became apparent for the need to unite the school and community, whilst reflecting our values and the 1869 trust deed   ’…for the education of children and adults or children only of the labouring manufacturing and other poor persons of and in the said Parish of Kintbury…..’


At the same time, we decided to modernise our school logo. We chose purple as the new colour of the cross, which provided a link with both Advent and Lent; key times in the Christian Calendar associated with preparation. Mary’s preparation for the coming of Christ and Jesus’ preparation for his time in the wilderness. We felt this also linked with the school’s vision of preparing the children for their future lives. The open arms of the cross supports our school’s Christian vision and gives the strong message, that all our welcome in our school.


Our values....




The values were selected by the children and school community. We use the parable of The Good Samaritan to teach the children about our school values as we feel that this story embodies the values of friendship, hope, and respect.


The children throughout the school are able to discuss our values and give examples of when the values are demonstrated during our school day.