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Kintbury St.Mary's CE Primary School

Creating Memories; Building Futures

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Preloved Uniform

We want to help parents and carers with the burden of buying school uniform, provide you a way to pass on uniform that is no longer of need and at the same time encourage a culture of recycle and reuse in the school. 


With this in mind we are asking for you to donate any redundant school uniform to the PTA. This includes logo items, grey trousers, shorts, skirts and dresses and any PE kit in reusable condition. We are happy to take green summer dresses in any state as those that cannot be passed on as dresses will be turned into hair scrunchies, which will be available at future school events! 


Please drop off any uniform to the school office.


Please ensure all donations are clean and are reusable.


Please do not donate anything NOT on the above list, as we don't have much storage. 


Preloved stock will be available at advertised playground sales and PTA events for £1 a logo item, 50p for non-logo. All proceeds will go to Kintbury PTA. 


If you need any uniform in between these pop-up sales, please contact the PTA via the Facebook page.